Christian Life and Worldview

This series of lessons examines the choices and practices that are essential for Christian living.

To live as the Word of God teaches us means that we understand the choices we make each day affect our faith. It also means learning to pray, practicing the command of God and learning to serve others. These are important lessons for understanding the practice of Christianity. Include time to discuss these principles and how to effectively apply them to your life.

Module 3: Christian Life and Worldview

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Prayer of Salvation

A Prayer to Receive Jesus Christ as Savior
The most important relationship for every one of us is our relationship with Jesus Christ. Choosing to believe that he is who he claimed to be—the Son of God and the only way to salvation—and receiving him by faith as your Lord and Savior is the most vital act anyone will ever do.
We want life, He is Life.
We need cleansing, He is the Living Water.
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James Mason

When it came time for James to attend school, he was automatically assigned to the public school nearest his home. He attended every school in the New York City public school system, from elementary school through high school graduation. He credits his success in school to the educational opportunities he had in the public school system. In his adult life, James has worked to ensure that other children have the same opportunities he had in school, and has made it his life’s mission to improve the public school system.
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